Other Words
Author webinars
Several of the authors who contributed to Other Words will dive further into key themes connected to their writing and their NoMo journey in a series of upcoming webinars. Each webinar features a presentation or discussion by the authors, followed by a Q&A, and will be hosted by the NoMo Book Club.
We hope that you can join us - if you are interested, please register for any webinars that are listed as available in the links below.

Searching for Solidarity
Jessica Hepburn
26 January 2025
The author and adventure activist Jessica Hepburn walks us through some of the inspirational non-mothers who she has encountered as part of her writing journey in her books 21 Miles: Swimming in Search of the Meaning of Motherhood and Save Me from the Waves: An Adventure from Sea to Summit.
The webinar is available here.
Other Writers Like Me
Join the writer and translator Nicole Louie as she discusses some of her literary 'muses' - the great female authors who have inspired and influenced her own writing, as outlined in her book Others Like Me: The Lives of Women Without Children. In particular, Nicole will focus on the writers Beatrix Potter, Virginia Woolf and Hilda Hilst.
Registration for this webinar will open soon.

Mythology and (Un)motherhood
Annie Kirby
5pm (UK time), 25 May 2025
The author Annie Kirby will uncover the links between mythology and non-motherhood, as explored in her novel The Hollow Sea.
Registration for this webinar will open soon.